The Cultures CIF / TAB / SAL File Format

Version 1.1.1
by Molt
Last changed: 3. March 2015


.cif, .tab and .sal files have almost the same file format, for the only difference see the Entry types below.
All file store text strings in an encrypted form.
.cif files represent .ini files and are the most common of the three.
.tab and .sal files store plain text data and are only used for languages.


    u4 magic;                               // 65601
        u4 numberOfEntries;                 // 2 times the exact same value
    u4 constant;                            // 10
    u4 indexLength;
        u1 byte;
    u2 one;                                 // 1
    u4 constant;                            // 10
    u4 contentLength;
        u1 byte;
    u4 magic;                               // 1021
    u4 zero;                                // 0
    u4 one;                                 // 1
        u4 numberOfEntries;                 // 3 times the exact same value
    u4 contentLength;
    u4 constant;                            // 1001
    u4 zero;                                // 0
    u4 indexLength;
        u1 byte;
    u1 byte;                                // 1
    u4 constant;                            // 1001
    u4 zero;                                // 0
    u4 contentLength;
        u1 byte;

Reading it

The first step to reading a .cif/.tab/.sal file after parsing the header is to decrypt encryptedIndexTable and encryptedContentTable. Treating both as encrypted byte arrays, they can both be converted to an unencrypted byte array of the same size.

c = 71;
d = 126;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
    plainTable[i] = (encryptedTable[i] - 1) ^ c; // ^ = bitwise XOR
    c += d;
    d += 33;

Implemented in Java, this procedure could look like:

public static byte[] decryptTable(byte[] encryptedTable)
    byte[] plainTable = new byte[encryptedTable.length];
    int c = 71;
    int d = 126;
    for(int i = 0; i < encryptedTable.length; i++)
        plainTable[i] = (byte)(((encryptedTable[i] & 0xFF) - 1) ^ c); // Just make sure you don't lose the highest
                                                                      // bit when dealing with signed types.
        c += d;
        d += 33;
    return plainTable;

Now let:

plainIndexTable = decryptTable(encryptedIndexTable);
plainContentTable = decryptTable(encryptedContentTable);

plainIndexTable can now be used as an array of u4 (with length indexLength / 4), of which every value is an offset in plainContentTable.

plainIndexTable[indexLength / 4]
    u4 index;
plainContentTable[indexLength / 4]
    ContentEntry entry;

What ContentEntry is depends on the file type.

For .cif files:

    u1 meta;            // Determines the role of the following string.
                        // The only known values for this are:
                        // 1: Section name
                        // 2: Plain content
    char[] string;      // A C-Style string (with a terminating '\0' character)
                        // Note that you DO NOT KNOW its length in advance.

For .tab and .sal files:

    char[] string;      // Same as above

At this point, .tab and .sal files are trivial to reconstruct: Each ContentEntry equals one line of test.

Now for .cif files any entry with a meta value of 2 can be appended as a new line to the file as well, but entries with a meta value of 1 need to be enclosed by [ ] to create a new ini section.

Hence, a plainIndexTable containing the values 0, 5, 8, 11, 14, 19, 22, 25 and

// \x?? = character with hex value ??
plainContentTable = "\x01aaa\x00\x02a\x00\x02b\x00\x02c\x00\x01bbb\x00\x02d\x00\x02e\x00\x02f\x00"

should be converted to the following ini file:


There could be an empty newline before [bbb] and I create my tools to procude one, but that's optional.

Guessing the file type

Without knowing the file suffix, your options to determine the file type are very limited, but they exist.

First you can take advantage of the fact that there are no .tab or .sal files in any other game that Cultures 1. If your file is a C2_EncryptedFile, it's safe to assume it's a .cif file.

If your file is an C1_EncryptedFile however, you can only look at ContentEntry.meta.

